World With Love
World With Love Podcast
Day 12: Jehovah-M’Kaddesh | The Lord is Holy

Day 12: Jehovah-M’Kaddesh | The Lord is Holy

Blessing Your Spirit With the Names of God by Arthur Burke

“Be holy, for I am holy.

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We live in a culture where names do not carry much actual meaning. In our American culture, we use words that are just names, at least most of the time. Names just don’t have the same powerful meanings to us, we are not used to them being given as definitions of who we are.

However, in the Hebrew culture of the Old Testament, names were very much given because of their characteristics. Jacob’s name literally meant to grab by the heel, because he was birthed grabbing his brother Esau’s heel.

The names used for God in the Old Testament, were more than just Jehovah (God). They were often Jehovah-(insert word). Meaning, God plus a characteristic. God’s names defined who He was to the people. They were powerful in their meaning and what they represented to those who called on them.

Today’s name is Jehovah-M’Kaddesh which means, the God who sanctifies. This name for God is not one that we often use because we forget how awesome it is. We prefer names like Jehovah Jireh (Provider) or Jehovah Rophe (Healer) because they are associated with God meeting our physical needs. However, Jehovah-M’Kaddesh (sanctifier) is God meeting our spiritual needs. Due to our sin-nature, we are not holy as God is holy. We have a propensity to turn from God and to sin.

Jehovah-M’Kaddesh is God removing that sin nature from us. We see this through the work of the Holy Spirit, as He continuously molds and makes us more and more in the image of Christ. This is why I have chosen Hebrews 12:5b-6 for us today. God does not allow us to stay in our sinful ways. He desires us to experience the joy of righteousness, and the awesomeness of His perfection.

The name Jehovah-M’Kaddesh should remind us that God is a loving parent who doesn’t leave us to our own devices. He comes along side of us, corrects us, teaches us how we should live, and then helps us experience the joy of right living.

The Lord Who Sanctifies

This name for God describes who He is (holy) and what He does (makes us holy). His purpose for you, His priority, is holiness. This is more than moral purity; it’s being set apart only for God. God said in Leviticus 11:45, “Be holy, for I am holy.” This may sound impossible, but God gives this command with the promise that He will work holiness into you.

“I am the Lord who sanctifies you.” In the New Testament, Philippians 1:6 promises, “He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ.” Praise Jehovah-M’Kaddesh for His faithfulness to make you holy.

“Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am the LORD your God. And you shall keep My statutes, and perform them: I am the LORD who sanctifies you” (Leviticus 20:7-8).“My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” Hebrews 12:5b-6 (ESV).

Keep Your Love on Friends!
Love Always, Lindsay Rose 🌹

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World With Love
World With Love Podcast
At World With Love, we believe that Love is an Action, Courage is Contagious, and people should be judged by the Content of Their Character. Keep Your Love On! Friends!