World With Love
World With Love Podcast
Sacred Honor

Sacred Honor

"And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." –Founding Fathers


Hello Love! 

I woke up today with a deep desire to sow a seed of Honor. I've been thinking about Honor a lot what the heck is it, and why are we so BAD at it these days? 

It didn't use to be this way. Those that built America considered their reputation and honor so important that they called it “sacred.” Regarding it with reverence, high respect and as equally if not more important than their own life and wealth. What they stood for mattered deeply. 

. . . "And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor." This is literally how they signed the Declaration of Independence y'all. Who were these guys??

Wow...what the heck does Sacred Honor even look like today? There is so much disrespect flying around every which way. We read story after story of professional business and government people committing waste, fraud and abuse and sacrificing their honor for greed. It's destructive, causes division, poisons the heart, and is activated by fear. This has to stop.

As I pondered these things in my heart recently I heard the quiet whisper of the Holy Spirit say practice "Sowing Honor" everyday and see what happens. 

As I've fumbled my way through what this looks like in my marriage, family and community I’ve been desperately asking the Holy Spirit to help me take responsibility for my disrespectful attitudes and triggered emotional responses and instead make a habit of responding with honor. It's been remarkable to experience the fruit of deep connected relationships when honor is restored to it's rightful place. 

"If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.”–Mother Theresa 

If you want to see more honor in our world, sow honor. 

OK let’s practice together! Pick your spouse, parent or someone who you would like to sow a seed of honor into today. Call them, visit them or message them with 3 things you respect and honor about their character and heart. See what happens when this incredible seed is planted in the hearts of those we love. Share any stories & breakthroughs in the comments below!

Sow Seeds of Honor Every Day Friends! 

Honor begins within. 

Love Always, Lindsay Rose 🌹

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World With Love
World With Love Podcast
At World With Love, we believe that Love is an Action, Courage is Contagious, and people should be judged by the Content of Their Character. Keep Your Love On! Friends!