World With Love
World With Love Podcast
Walking on Water pt 2: Art

Walking on Water pt 2: Art

Read Alouds with LA: Continuing on the journey of Faith & Art from chaos to cosmos.

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In the recording above i pick up another passage from Walking on Water where Madeleine wrestles with the question… What is art? What is an artist??

“Generally what is more important than getting water-tight answers is learning to ask the right questions.” —Madeline L’Engle

All art is cosmos in chaos…if all that an artists does is reproduce chaos on canvas, in music, in words. As far as I can see the reproduction of chaos is neither art nor Christian. The artist is a servant who is willing to be a birth giver.

🌈❤️LoveAlways, Lindsay

Thank you for listening in! Leave a message about your thoughts and insights from this reading & share with a friend who’s an artist and could use this wisdom for today!


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World With Love
World With Love Podcast
At World With Love, we believe that Love is an Action, Courage is Contagious, and people should be judged by the Content of Their Character. Keep Your Love On! Friends!